Sanders Coaching Team

Jul 1, 20222 min

Random Acts of Kindness

Updated: Nov 15, 2022

Happy Friday everyone!

One of the things that changed my life in a big way is when I learned that by giving back in the form of acts of kindness could actually make me so much happier and so much wiser. The impact of random acts of kindness, both intentional and random is transformational and contagious. Sometimes it takes a while to build the habit of looking for opportunities to show kindness but once you start you realize that those opportunities are there, all around you, sometimes seemingly small.

Do yourself a favor and start your day with the intention of showing genuine kindness, see the impact on both yourself and those who are fortunate enough to be the recipient of your kindness. Enjoy the article and let me know what you think.

What is one of your best moments where you demonstrated kindness? What is a small act of kindness you can do for someone in your life tomorrow?

I was very grateful to have just spent the evening with Marion Langford - my mentor and friend for over 20 years- we explored the importance of demonstrating kindness & empathy in leadership roles and our own personal journey’s in leadership roles.

I was reminded of a recent blog post from Seth Godin on the topic of “kindness”:

“Please be kind” sounds like a moral imperative. And in some ways, it is.

But behind the theory of the firm and a key building block of successful communities is the idea that kind interactions are significantly more productive.

When people feel seen and respected, they’re more likely to focus on what needs to be done, instead of taking umbrage or being defensive.

When we leave opportunities and pathways for others, they can move forward with less friction.

And when we’re enjoying our days, we’ve created a posture that spreads.

Hockey games aren’t supposed to be kind. But just about everything else works better when we don’t throw elbows.” - Seth Godin


Acknowledgment: Seth Godin , Marion Langford , Sonia McDonald (Dickson) Dani Saveker and the many other champions of kindness in our world. Infographic by Inspire(d)

Have a fantastic Fourth of July weekend!

With Gratitude,

John Sanders, ACC 'the coach'
Leadership & Clinician Coach
"do what you love in the service of those who love what you do"

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